Our Vision

To provide immediate mental health support for any level of distress with no criteria to meet.

Our Mission

Provide a free welcoming, non-judgmental space open 2 days a week for anyone in our Ōtepoti community seeking support with any level of mental distress. Build up connections with other local organizations to best support the journeys of our tangata whaiora.

Our Values


Our support begins with forming and maintaining relationships, we form our connections through shared experiences and working alongside each other to encourage belonging.


Mental distress can happen for anyone at anytime, we treat each service user as unique to their life experiences and equally deserving of the right support.

Te Tiriti

Our work is underlined by the 3 key principles of the treaty of waitangi. Partnership, Participation and Protection of our tangata whai ora. This is shown by the models and frameworks we use ensuring that hauora is prevalent within our space.


We value providing a space that is accessible and adaptable to everyone in our community. Inclusive of any presenting needs of our service users.

Lived Experience

Our staff have diverse lived experiences of mental distress for themselves or whanau members. This experience is integral to the rapport we build with our service users. Our empathy comes from a genuine understanding of life's struggles. Acknowledging the importance of guiding self-growth and coping strategies.


Our work with a service user is based on helping them to achieve the way of living that they hope to have for themselves. We are here to work alongside the client to encourage growth and positive changes to support their personal wellbeing.

Recovery and Hope

The first step is coming in to see us, we know it can be the hardest step to take. Acknowledging the self commitment to improving your own wellbeing

Meet our Team

We have a diverse team of paid management staff, volunteers and students with varying backgrounds and lived experiences of mental health challenges.

Our diversity means we can make anyone feel welcome in our space and can match you up with the best wellbeing educator to work alongside you.